We'd like to ask our supporters to FOLLOW, TWEET and SHARE from the 20th to 26th September, Cramlington & District Red Squirrel Group will engage in activities to raise awareness of the plight of the red squirrel, including WHERE AM I? which will involve our RED SQUIRREL mascot travelling to locations like never before!
We'll also be sharing an insight into our red squirrel strongholds and shedding light on the vital work being done by our volunteers to protect the native populations, which are facing the continuing threat from grey squirrels in our area.
We ask our followers and supporters to use the hashtags #RSAW2021 #CADRSG #RedSquirrelAwarenessWeek send in any sightings or photos of red squirrels.
To allow our Red Squirrel the best chance of survival, community support is vitally important and without a combined effort our local strongholds are at risk. If we do nothing these native little mammals may not be around for future generations.