Great Spotted Woodpecker
Quick facts
Common name: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Scientific name: Dendrocopos major
Origin: Native
Length: 22–23cm
Wingspan: 34 -39cm
Weight: 85g
Colour: Pied black and white plumage and a red patch on the lower belly. Males and young birds also have red markings on the neck or head.
Average lifespan: 5-10 years
What they eat: Insects, seeds and nuts.
One of only three species of woodpecker in the UK, they are about the size of a blackbird with striking black-and-white colouring. It has a very distinctive bouncing flight and spends most of its time clinging to tree trunks and branches. Its presence is often announced by its loud call or by its distinctive spring 'drumming' display.
They can be seen in woodlands, especially with mature broad-leaved trees, although mature conifers will support them. They can also be found in parks and large gardens and will come to peanut feeders and bird tables.
Common in England and Wales.