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Our Amazon Wish List

Our group relies on kind donations to enable us to carryout our vital conservation work and community engagement. Below are a number of items which our group requires. Each item will have a brief description of what it will be used for. If you'd like to purchase it as a donation to our group click on the buy now button, select it for your basket, proceed to checkout and then select CAD Red Squirrels as your delivery address. 

Alternativaley you can click on the donate button below and we'll use the funds to buy products such as feed and other other equipment not available on the below list. 

Thank you.

Our Amazon Wish List: About
Our Amazon Wish List: List

1 kg Raw Hazelnuts

1kg hazelnuts the group can use as part of their monitoring. The group does collect their own supply but we generally can't source enough to last our area throughout the year.

Virkon S 50 x 5g

Virkon S tablets are used as part of our strict cleansing regime to clean monitoring stations and other equipment.

50 Fat Balls

Our Viewing screen at East Cramlington is a location where the local community can engage with wildlife without the need for them to provide an uncontrolled food source, our group can supplementary feed in a controlled manor and the public can enjoy the wildlife.

100 Fat Balls

Our Viewing screen at East Cramlington is a location where the local community can engage with wildlife without the need for them to provide an uncontrolled food source, our group can supplementary feed in a controlled manor and the public can enjoy the wildlife.

300 Fat Balls

Our Viewing screen at East Cramlington is a location where the local community can engage with wildlife without the need for them to provide an uncontrolled food source, our group can supplementary feed in a controlled manor and the public can enjoy the wildlife.

Hook & Loop Velcro

Used as part of our monitoring equipment. These Velcro squares enable use to collect hair samples to record squirrel species activity.

USB Microscope

Our volunteers can utilise this valuable piece of kit to examine hair samples from their monitoring work helping to confirm species.

Coloured Pencils

As part of our community engagement we'll be hold some activity days for our younger generation, such a scavenger hunts, nature surveys etc. 

We'll require stationary to ensure we can hold interesting and fun activities. 

6 Plastic Clipboards

Used for activity days and monitoring and surveying. 

Easy to clean after use.

Spypoint Wildlife Camera (LInk-Micro)

As part of our monitoring we have area which are not easily accessible. This wildlife camera will transmit photos pack to group at home and allow us monitor squirrel activity.

Spypoint Wildlife Camera (Link-Evo)

As part of our monitoring we have area which are not easily accessible. This wildlife camera will transmit photos & Videos back to group at home and allow us monitor squirrel activity.

Apeman Wildlife Camera (Basic)

A wildlife camera we can use in all situations. This camera will be used by our volunteers to record activity at their monitoring stations.

Python Adjustable Lock

This lock will enable us to secure our equipment whilst carrying out monitoring. On occasions when our equipment has been found it sometimes results in it being stolen. This lock will help increase our levels of security.

Dettol Hand Sanitiser

Hand sanitiser for our volunteers

SanDisk Ultra

Memory Card for our wildlife camera usage

AA Rechargeable Batteries

Rechargeable Batteries to be used in our wildlife cameras.

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